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責(zé)任編輯:admin 發(fā)布日期:2020-03-30 17:19:55 來源:求學(xué)問校網(wǎng)

【摘要】華中科技大學(xué)網(wǎng)絡(luò)教育高起專公共英語模擬試卷(2)華中科技大學(xué)網(wǎng)絡(luò)教育??乒灿⒄Z模擬試卷(2)介紹如下:1. D“When I was your age,” said the old man. “I ...



1. D

“When I was your age,” said the old man. “I got only $30 aweek. Life was much harder then. I had to get up at six and get to the factory by seven. We worked ten hours a day for six days a week and didn’t get any holidays. A lot of other comrades had no work at all.So slow and lazy workers were told to get out.At one place, I didn’t get along with the boss. I lost my job and it was several months before I got another one. Then the world war happened suddenly. Of course, I joined up. I was lucky and came out of the war without getting hurt. When I got back home after the war, a lot of us went around looking for jobs, but there were too many of us and not enough jobs. Things got worse and worse. I was getting near thirty and wanted to find a wife, but I didn’t have enough money. I was finally able to get a wife and build up my own family when I was already 35.” (10分)

(1) he writer thinks _______. (2分)

A. lifetoday is as hard as that many years ago

B. there’s more happiness in today’s life than the life many years ago

C. lifetoday is harder than that many years ago

D. there is no difference between the life today and many years ago


(2) Slowor lazy workers were told to leave because _______. (2分)

A. they didn’t want to work there

B. there were better jobs for them to choose

C. the boss could find better workers instead

D. the World War happened suddenly


(3) Itis true that _______. (2分)

A. peopletoday work more hours a day than before

B. peopleneed to get up earlier for work

C. todayit’s much easier to find a job than before

D. peopleshould be paid more for what they do.


(4) Thewriter got a wife _______. (2分)

A. assoon as the World War ended

B. beforehe joined the army

C. whenhe had the idea of building a family of his own

D. severalyears after he saved enough money


(5) Thewriter thought he was lucky _______. (2分)

A.tobecome a soldier in the World War

B.notto get hurt in the fights

C.notto be chosen to be a soldier for the war

D.tojoin the army without fighting


2. C

It was the old lady’s birthday.

She got up early to be ready for the post. From her second floor window she could see the postman when he came.

Today she was sure there would be something.Myrawouldn’t forget her mother’s birthday, even if she seldom wrote at other times. Of courseMyrawas busy. Her husband had been made Mayor(市長), and Myra herself had got a medal for her work for theolD.Inthe past two years, she had come to see her three times, but her husband had never come. She was proud of her daughter.

The old lady was eighty today. She had put on her best dress. Perhaps –perhapsMyramight come. After all, eighty was a special birthday.

Even ifMyradid not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. She was excited—like achilD.shewould enjoy her day.

She stood by the window, watching. All of s sudden, she saw the postman turning round the corner on his bike. Her heart beat fast. He gave her four envelopes. Three were unsealed cards from old friends, and the fourth was sealed(封), in Myra’s writing. The old lady felt disappointed.

She opened the envelope and found a card and a piece of paper in it. written on the card was a message under the printed(鉛印)Happy Birthday – Buy yourself something nice with thecheque, Myra and Harold.

Thechequedropped to the floor. Slowly the old lady bent down to pick it up. “My present, my lovely present.”Having said these words, the old lady tore thechequewith trembling fingers(顫抖的手指)into small pieces. (10分)

(1) Thepassage shows _______. (2分)

A. theway old people celebrated their birthdays

B. thenecessity of celebrating a special birthday

C. somedark points about the life of western families

D. theimportance of post offices


(2) Whichof the following is NOT true? (2分)

A. Myraseldom wrote to her mother.

B. Myrahad visited her mother a few times in the past few years

C. Myradidn’t telephone her mother on her birthday.

D. Myrareally cared about old people, and hermother, of course.


(3) Theold lady tore thechequeinto pieces because ________. (2分)

A. shewas much hurt

B. shepreferred to have ready money

C. therewas little money in it

D. thechequewas a false one


(4) Theold lady was sure that ________ on that day. (2分)

A. shewould get some cards from her friends

B. herdaughter would come and see her with her husband

C. thepost man would come for her as early as usual.

D. shewould receive a present from her daughter at least.


(5) Theold lady was proud ofMyrabecause Myra_______. (2分)

A. alwayscared about her

B. workedfor old people successfully

C. hadbeen made Mayor

D. cameto see her very often


3. A

Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true.

Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don’t worry about it. Hereare some advicefor you to bridge the generation gap.

Don’t arguewith your parents.Don’t get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go someplace tocool off.Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.

Try to reach a compromise(和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael’s mother didn’t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.

Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

Talk about your values.The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try!


(1) Yourparents probably won’t consider your ideas if you _______. (2分)

A.don’tget to them often

B.writea letter to them

C.don’tspeak to them politely

D.expressyourself well


(2) Thepassage tells us _______ have a communication problem. (2分)

A.parentsand other people

B.schoolkids and their parents

C.teachersand their students

D.parentsand children of all ages


(3) Theunderlined phrase “cool off” in the passage means “_______”. (2分)

A.tomakeyourself happy

B.togetyou quiet and relaxed

C.tohavea good rest

D.tohideyourself quickly


(4) Ifthere’s really a generation gap between you and your parents, you’d better _______. (2分)

A. havea talk with them often

B. keepaway from them

C. agreewith them all the time

D. knowabout their values


(5) Fromthe passage we learn that _______. (2分)

A. parentsand children should not have a generation gap

B. parentsshould show love and respect to their children

C. therearesome good ways to bridge the generation gap

D. thereareso many serious problems in families today


4. B

Some years ago the captain of a ship was very interested in medicine. He always took medical books to sea and liked to talk about different illnesses.

One day a lazy sailor on his shippretendedto be ill. He lay on his bed and pretended to be very sick. The captain came to see him and was very pleased to have a patient to look after. He told the man to rest for a few days and made the other sailors to do his work. Three days later another sailor pretended that he had something wrong with his chest. Once more the captain looked in his medical books and told the “sick” man to have a rest.

The other sailors were very angry because they had more work to do. The patients had the best food and laughed at their friends when the captain was not looking. At last the mate (大副) decided to cure the “sick” men. He put some soap, glue and other unpleasant things together. Then he got permission from the captain to give his new medicine to the “sick” men. When they tasted the medicine, they really did feel ill. It was so horrible that one of the patients jumped out his bed, ran up on deck and climbed the highest place on the ship. He did not want any more medicine.

The mate told both of the men that they must take the medicine every half an hour, night and day. This soon cured them. They both said they felt better and wanted to start work again. The captain realized that the men had tried to fool him so he made them work very hard for the rest of the journey. (10分)

(1) Onesailor pretended to be ill, that’s to say, he _______. (2分)

A.returnedhome because of being ill

B.madeit seem that he was ill, but in fact not

C.gotsome medicine ready for being ill

D.stillworked on, though he was ill.


(2) It’sNOT TRUE that _______. (2分)

A.theother sailors had to do more work

B.thesecond sailor copied the first one’s example

C.themate’s medicine worked so well that the sick sailors could start working at once

D.youhave to pay for that if you do something wrong


(3) Themate knew __________. (2分)

A.whatwas the truth

B.whythe sailors got ill

C.howto make some medicine

D.howto look after patients


(4) Thecaptain of the ship _______. (2分)

A.wasvery interested in working the ship

B.wasvery interested in the knowledge about seas

C. studiedhard, wanting to learn more knowledge

D.hadstrange interest in medicine


(5) Thecaptain felt ______ when he got to know his sailors were ill. (2分)

A.worried B.sorry C.angry D.pleased


5. A

Christie could never forget the night she met a robber on a night many years ago. That evening, she was invited to a birthday party which lasted until 2 o’clock in the morning. She walked home alone along the quiet street.

Suddenly from the shadow of a dark building, a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand ran out at her, “Good morning, lady,” the man said in a cool voice, “I don’t think you wish to die here.”

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Your earrings.Take them off!” the robber said.

Christie tried to cover her necklace with the collar of her overcoat while she used the other hand to take off both of her earrings, and them she quickly threw them on the ground.

“Take them and let me go,” shesaiD.Therobber looked at her feeling uncertain. He saw the girl didn’t care for the earrings at all, only trying to protect the necklace. He realized the necklace would cost much more. So he said, “Give me your necklace.”

With shaky hands, Christie took off her necklace. As soon as the robber disappear, she picked up her earrings and ran home as fast as shecould.

The earring cost 480 pounds and the necklace the robber had taken cost only 6 pounds. (10分)

(1) Christienever forgot that night because ________. (2分)

A.shewas robbed of her necklace

B.shehad a good time at the party held that night

C.sheheld a birthday party for herself successfully

D.shewas fooled by the robber that night


(2) Asa result, __________. (2分)

A.therobber was scared and ran away

B.therobber picked up the earrings and ran away

C.therobber took her necklace away against the law

D.herfriend came and helped her catch the robber


(3) Theparty _________. (2分)

A.didn’tend at2 a.m. B.endedbefore2 a.m.

C.lasted2 hours D.wasover at2 a.m.


(4) Theearrings were worth _________. (2分)

A.asmuch as the necklace B.morethan the necklace

C.lessthan the necklace D.nothingat all


(5) Shetried to protect the necklace because ________. (2分)

A.itwas more expensive

B.shewanted to mislead and fool the robber

C.sheliked it better than her earrings

D.itwas her birthday present from her friends


6. D

In a store puddings are on sale. A number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you can try them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people would take advantage of(利用)this. One day I asked a shop girl:

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for example,” she told me. “He comes here almost every week and tries each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything and I don’t think he ever will. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. ”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman came up to the counter(柜臺(tái))and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“That’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about, “saidthe shop girl in a low voice. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him, “Would you like to try them, sir? Here’s a spoon(勺)for you to use.”

The elderly gentleman was poorly but neatlydresseD.Heaccepted the spoon and began to try one after another of the puddings.

I went up to him and said, “Pardon me, sir, will you please let me buy you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

“Excuse me,”he said with dignity(自尊), “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. You must have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice: “Kindlypack me up this one here. I will take it with me.”

He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings. He pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his face he had to buy what he could not possibly pay for. How I regretted (后悔) having said these words.

“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into herhanD.Andthat was the last I saw or heard of the old man. Now he can never come there to try puddings any more. (10分)

(1) Theold man finally bought one of the largest and the most expensive puddings because (2分)

A.hewanted to save his face

B.hewas extremely hungry

C.hewas not poor at all

D.heliked it best


(2) Thewriter offered to buy the old man the pudding because _______. (2分)

A.hewas one friend of the old man’s

B.hewanted to make fun of the old man

C.hethought the old man might have forgotten to bring money with him

D.hedid it out of kindness


(3) Whenthe writer offered to buy the pudding for him, the old man was _______. (2分)

A.pleased B.thankful

C.moved D.surprisedas well as hurt


(4) Whichof the following is NOT true? (2分)

A.Itwas kind of the shop girl to give the gentleman the spoon and let him try some.

B.Sometimessomething done out of kindness may turn out to be something bad.

C.Thepuddings were not welcome, so they were laid in row to catch buyers’ eyes.

D.Theelderly gentleman was one of great dignity.


(5) Allthe buyers can_______. (2分)

A.buyone of the puddings at lower price

B.getone of the puddings for free

C.havea break in the store after work

D.trythe puddings before they decide to buy them


7. C

Life used to(過去常常) be fun for young people. They used to have money to spend and free time to spend it in. they used to wear colorful clothes, and meet in coffee houses and dance. Some of them still do. But for many youngpeople, life is harder now. Jobs are difficult tofinD.Thingsare more expensive. And it’s hard to find a place to live in. teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less interested in politics, and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.

Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago. They try to spend less and save more. They want to be able to build families of their own one day.

For some, the answer tounemploymentis to leave home and look for work in one of the big cites. Some find work, and stay. Others don’t find one, and go home again.

When you read the newspapers and watch the news on TV, it’s easy to get the idea that young people lose their jobs and are angry or in trouble. (10分)

(1) Thebiggest difference between today’s young people and yesterday’s is _______. (2分)

A.theirideas and ways of life


C.theirages when building their own families

D.theirway of spending money


(2) Theunderlined word “unemployment” means _______. (2分)

A.beingout of work B.beingin great trouble

C.beingangry D.beingpoor


(3) Manyyoung people save money to _______. (2分)

A.lookfor better jobs

B.gotoanother countriesfor further studies

C.buyhouses and things needed for life

D.buyexpensive things


(4) Fromthe passage, we can say _______. (2分)

A.mostyoung people are always in trouble.

B.onlypart of young people can find jobs in big cities.

C.mostyoung people are easy to get angry

D.whatthe writer said as above is not true.


(5) Studentsare studying harder because _______. (2分)

A.thingsare more expensive

B.theyhave no homes to live in

C.theyare not interested in politics any longer

D.theywant to find better jobs and get more money


8. B

Mrs. White was reading a newspaper story to her class. It was a story about the children in Children’s Hospital.

The story said:

Were you ever in a hospital when you were small?

How did you feel?

Doctors at Children’s Hospital are asking for money for children’s toys. Somesickchildren at the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep these children happy and quiet.

Money for them can be sent to the hospital.

After Mrs. White read the story, she said, “Thisstory gave me an idea.”

“I know,” said one of the boys in the class, “you want us to bring some money for the toys.”

“Well, that would be nice,” Mrs. White said, “But most third grade children don’t have much money. I had another idea.”

“I know,” said a girl. “We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital.”

“That would be nice, too.” said Mrs. White, “But that still wasn’t what I was thinking.”

“I know,” said a boy, “We could make some toys.”

Mrs. WhitesmileD. “Doyou think you could make toys?” she asked.

“Yes, yes.” The whole class answered.

“Great, let’s begin to make toys tomorrow.”Said Mrs. White. (10分)

(1) Thestory in the newspaper is about _______. (2分)

A.Mrs. White B.Children’sHospital

C.thechildren in hospital D.Mrs. White’s class


(2) WhatChildren’s Hospital wanted to get for the children in hospital is _______. (2分)

A. toysmade only by students B. students’ own toys

C. students’ money for everyday use D. moneyfor toys


(3) Theword “sick” means _______. (2分)

A.noisy B.strange C.ill D.worried


(4) Inclass, Mrs. White taught her students how to _______. (2分)

A.maketoys for money

B.savemoney for their hospital care

C.dothings by themselves

D.writea story for a newspaper


(5) WhatMrs. White was thinking is that children in her class should _______. (2分)

A.handin their pocket money

B.bringtheir own toys form home

C.goto the hospital

D.makesome toys themselves










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